Researching the Siler Surname

If you perform a search for the DNA surname match Siler, do you find results you are not familiar with? In this session, I explain how the enslaver Siler purchased, sold, and gifted his family slaves and over time acquired up to 259 slaves when he died. Surnames mentioned in this session are:
Barron (FG43) | Benbow (FG19) | Bullock (FG430) | Cason (FG55) | Cato (FG436) | Colburn (FG57) | Coleman (FG59) | Cook (FG272) | Fitzpatrick (FG239) | Hanson (FG455) | Kirksey/Kerksey (FG556) | Park(s) (FG43) | Mabry (FG466) McCullough (FG102) | Sayres (FG487) | Siler (FG209) | Spear/Spier (FG295) | Stringer (FG111) | Talbot (FG148) | Thompson (FG311) | Tullis (FG258) | Phelps (FG478) | Pugh (FG137 | Whatley/Whatly (FG378)

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